Frugal Computing Blog

In this section of the website there will be blog entries on various topics that I decide to write about :D

Ps. Don't ask me why I have to spell this .html with two G's! Neocities was giving me 403 errors. But hardware.html and /hardware subfolder works just fine so who knows!! (if you do know, please e-mail me)
Blogg.html? You can pretend for a while that this website is written in swedish. Det här är min blogg, välkommen! :D Frugal Computing i Sverige FTW!!1 \o/

Ps. I use the ISO-8601 standard for dates. It goes like YEAR-MONTH-DAY, and the blog posts are ordered from newest to oldest.

2024-10-05 - AMD Strikes Back! The RX 6600 and RX 570 saga

2024-09-05 - The RX 6600 saga

2024-08-26 - Jackpot!

2024-08-16 - The RX 570 and yet another disk space dilemma

2024-07-24 - Playing games below the minimum system requirements Saga, Part 1 of... 1?

2024-07-20 - The New Hard Drive Saga Part 3: The Conclusion!

2024-07-18 - The New Hard Drive Saga part 2

2024-07-16 - A new hard drive!


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