Phone #3 - Sony Xperia M4 Aqua


Android version: 5 or 6, I can't remember

Headphone jack: Yes.

SD Card slot: Yes, but not currently in use.

Removable battery: No (oh come on!)

Phone size: It's okay.

Display: 720p and it looks pretty good.

RAM: 2 gigs I think but it doesn't matter for my use case.

Other curiosities: This phone can no longer find a 4G signal or connect to a cellural tower at all, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's broken or they've closed the signal bands that this phone works on in my area. Strange.

Rest of the specs can be found at GSMARENA.COM (outside link).

What I use this phone for:

Now this is a funny one. I use this purely in my kitchen as a dedicated timer for when I brew coffee, tea or yerba mate. A glowing recommendation for yerba mate btw, that stuff is legendary! Here is some info about it on Wikipedia: (outside link).
I'm sure it's proud of its new job, which it will likely continue to do for the rest of its existence until it breaks.
You know what man, I do appreciate you, Sony Xperia M4 Aqua, I really do.
Wait, what am I saying? It's just a machine - and machines can't feel! Or can they... o_O
Yeah nope, never mind. Moving on.

Backstory of the phone:

I got this for free from my ex girlfriend. Heh.

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