Do websites need to have a purpose?

I've pondered a bit about what is the purpose of this website.
In the modern day commercialized, corporate and mainstream internet it seems like every bit of code, every html file, every single website should have a clear purpose, which is for the most part, always about generating money or attention.
It didn't used to be like that, not totally, and the web revival movement is about countering that.

Here I am, writing things into the void. Maybe someone will read this. Maybe no-one will read it. It doesn't matter!
This is art in a text form. Not all art needs to be visually stunning, or visual at all. It doesn't need sound. This isn't poetry, these aren't like fiction novels. It's not purely informative non-fiction either. This is just text for the sake of text. But it's text that I find some sort of solace in writing.
Maybe this is like my personal diary of sorts? But it still aims to be sort informative, and sort of funny in my own sense of humour :D

A website doesn't need to have a purpose! It can just exist. It is so like us humans to always seek meaning and purpose in things, when in reality, nature is neutrally meaningless and devoid of purpose. Existence itself is the purpose of existence. It's a gigantic, cosmic "well, why not?" answer to all of existence. Why the heck not? What is the alternative, nothingness? Where's the fun in that?!

My website doesn't need to be cool. It doesn't need to be well coded. It doesn't need any amazing effects or anything at all (nothing wrong with artsy sites that do! You do you!).
I know just the bare basics of html and you know, for the moment, that is enough for me.
It doesn't need to attract a lot of attention, if any at all.
I love that. This is just plain text. There are no comment sections. There are no like counters. The color scheme is plain and boring to not overstimulate your brain. There are no links to social media. No search engine optimizations. I don't want anything from any visitor coming here. There is zero competition. There is nothing commercial about it. It doesn't generate profit, it doesn't really do anything other than exist.
In that way it's like an anarchistic revolution against the status quo of the internet. It is a throwback to the old days of the internet.
The site is just there. You can come and go as you wish, it doesn't matter.

It is more like a therapeutic and a fun project to me. I can barf out my thoughts and nerd the fuck out of computers.
All of this is a hell of a lot better than doomscrolling social media and news sites. To me, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
I have been on computers a lot in my life, and in the past years I haven't liked the trend of where the web is going.
There is just endless content, always competing for your attention. Pointless memes that trigger dopamine in your brain, news articles that make you go like "damn, that's crazy bro" and then you just scroll onwards.
Everything wanting to spy on you, manipulate your emotions to keep you hooked, sell your data, sell you products, serve you ads, yada yada yada on and on and on.
There is none of that here. There is just plain text in a html file. I urge you to look at the source code, it's simple and nothing else.

If others can find solace in here, that's good. It works for me at least.
But even so, this website doesn't have a purpose and that's okay.


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